An Unbreakable Partnership – Chris’s Cancer Community

Since my life changed in 2007. I realised that my new mission was to try and improve the lives of those affected by cancer. My first job was to try and recover physically and mentally from my own death defying encounter. Once I was in a decent place myself, I could move forward. Whether personally, or through my work, I have been dealing with people affected by cancer, for nearly seventeen years. Incredibly demanding work, as every situation is different, and many feel very close to home with my own experiences.

The first big lesson I learned, very early on was, you can’t save everyone. Little consolation in the early years, as I kept asking myself why I had been spared, and others taken far too early. It took a long time to accept the numbers dying around me, as I became busier and busier.

Now I look at things entirely differently. Other than health, time is our most valuable asset. I feel privileged, when people choose to spend theirs with me! To be let in to someone’s life is such an honour. Something that I celebrate, and don’t mourn.

Meeting so many different people, some would obviously stay in my mind longer than others. This post is indeed about a very special person, Steven Bracewell, who very sadly, died of Acute Myeloid Leukaemia a year ago. Steve contacted me through social media. He had seen that a lot of my cancer experience was similar to his own. Very quickly we became good friends, sharing experiences and hopes. Like me, Steve was a very open guy, and quickly with his wife Debs, I felt like part of the family.

Initially there was a bumpy road, but as the years went by, Steve became seriously ill, with new daily complications, until his body could take no more. Incredibly I had known him for more than four years! His big passion was computer games, and he had a vision to help more people affected by cancer, through his love of gaming. We discussed constantly, how and why I had started SimPal. He wanted to do a similar thing with gaming. Hence, Gamers Beat Cancer charity was created. But unfortunately, just as things were starting to blossom with the charity, Steve passed away.

I had always promised that I would help him with the charity, and that hasn’t changed, as time has gone on. Debs and her team have done their best to keep things going. But along with all the changes in her life it has become challenging, to give it the attention it deserves. I am therefore proud to say that SimPal and Gamers Beat Cancer will be working in partnership!!

We have always had so much synergy, with our work frequently crossing over. People requesting games, also needing mobile devices. Very similar in reverse too. We are frequently asked for gaming tech. The charity sector has become very challenging and we are much stronger together! We will be pooling our resources, to hopefully supply a more reliable service that can help more people.

Steve, I always promised you I would do anything for you. So Debs and I will do our best to enhance your legacy my friend. Rest in peace pal! X

A privilege to call this man a friend and keep his legacy shining.

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