“cancer is the enemy within
a stealth invasion
The Storm
the chaos of cancer
the confusion
the cruelty
the chemo
with the winds of change blowing sideways
like a cold driving rain
with bolts of lightning
filled with lament
mixed with thunder
and the darkness of reality
as the storm whistles
like a drunken sailor
dancing far into the night
the caustic nature of cancer
obscuring all inner vision
with coulds
and shoulds
maybes and mights
trying to nurture possibilities
into probabilities
with hope being the ring
that we try to catch
knowing that hope
without action
is but a four-letter word
as the merry-go-round
goes round and round
one circle closer to tomorrow
cancer is the enemy within
a stealth invasion
a formable foe
with tentacles extended
as we fall
face forward
into the unknown
the unready
and power through the storm
walking together
side by side
heart by heart
through the deep darkness
into the bright light of healing
for love has no borders
it is the engine of survival
and the light
is not at the end of the tunnel
but in the sparkle of the eyes
as the journey toward tomorrow
continues in the confusion of today
with courage and confidence
The following poem was written recently for my partner Sousan, who was diagnosed with breast cancer in late November, as cancer was discovered in both breasts. She had a double mastectomy on January 16th and is undergoing 12 rounds of chemo. She will continue with Herceptin (trastuzumab) every three weeks for one year.
The journey is like living through a storm, which is the title of the poem.
Unfortunately, I am no stranger to cancer. Ten years ago, I lost my previous partner to Glioblastoma, a raging storm!
I am able to keep my emotional balance by writing, which, for me, makes cancer less daunting.
This post was written and submitted by Neil Scott. The article reflects the views of Scott and not of CURE®. This is also not supposed to be intended as medical advice.
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