Finding Meaning, Strength and Joy Through Cancer

Finding Meaning, Strength and Joy

I’m 14 years out but sometimes it feels like yesterday,

when I heard those words, you have breast cancer.

Eek! What? Why me? I’m only in my 30s.

I was brave until I wasn’t, and then I cried.

And that’s OK because life is like a rainbow.

At my support group, a new member’s mother-in-law told me, I look good.

I replied with a smile, “I’m 14 years out, I guess I should.” 

My best friend, Kathy, sits next to me, her cancer is back.

She’s doing maintenance chemo, she’s much stronger than me.

I don’t want any more treatment; I’ll juice and exercise and pray.

My faith is what gets me through.

Without His love and guidance, I’d be just another dying flower.

Instead, I’m a warrior who inspires others to be joyful and courageous.

My life is so much slower now. Maybe He slowed it down?

I was missing so much, too big for my britches, on the wrong path.

Chasing what wasn’t mine and running from what was.

Now, I am healthy in body, mind and spirit.

It isn’t always easy. I’m not always perfect,

but I know what’s going to help and what’s going to hurt.

So, I sail on as a survivor who is proud of how far she’s come.

I submitted this poem because it’s good to process what we’ve been through because it helps with our healing. I am a stage II breast cancer survivor.

This post was written and submitted by Julie Knose. The article reflects the views of Knose and not of CURE®. This is also not supposed to be intended as medical advice.

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