What’s it like to be diagnosed with cancer as a teenager? – Cancer Research UK

Hodgkin lymphoma treatment

In the 1970s, our scientists found the most effective combination of chemotherapy drugs to treat Hodgkin lymphoma. They helped us reach the point we’re at today, with more than 9 in 10 children and young people in the UK now surviving this type of cancer. Usually, they receive a combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

More recently, our researchers have focused on keeping Hodgkin lymphoma treatment as effective as possible while lowering its side effects.

So far, evidence from the EuroNet PHL studies, which we helped fund, suggest that when people respond well to treatment with COPDAC and DECOPDAC, the chemotherapy combinations Joram received, they may not need radiotherapy. This helps reduce long-term side effects associated with radiation treatment, like heart problems.

CML Alliance
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