Research with Integrity – just how ‘open’ is open research? – Cancer Research UK

For anyone considering a similar series, here are some of the things we’ve learnt:

Tap into existing channels of communication

With support from the Library team we were able to access official University comms channels which helped spread the word across faculties, fostering interdisciplinary discussions. People are more likely to look at message from someone they already know, so this was much more effective than our personal emails which tended to be lost amidst all the content vying for people’s attention.

Venues shape events

While hosting events in faculty-specific rooms was good for engaging people based there, using more neutral venues – such as central University meeting rooms – was helpful in showing these events were open to everyone.

Support interaction

We’re still learning how best to connect people at our events. We tried icebreaker cards at the launch event, so everyone had a question they could ask someone they didn’t know. We’ve used handwritten name badges for an informal touch. And we included refreshment breaks to encourage informal discussions at each event.

Engage your speakers

We’ve had great speakers sharing their knowledge and experience, and they really made these events work. Speakers often had multiple stories to share, so briefing them on the aims of the event helped them decide what content to bring, and often helped us shape the session. Sharing details of the format also helped them, such as being prepared to participate in panel discussions.

Teamwork makes the dream work

Event planning is time-consuming, so having people supporting different parts – comms, tickets, speaker contacts – is incredibly helpful. Our Teams chat is full of ideas, comments, questions and suggestions – and every event has benefited from having lots of input from different perspectives.

CML Alliance
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