Brittney’s * Kawana’s * Michelle’s * Regenia’s & Pat’s #MyLifeIsMyLegacy

#MyLifeIsMyLegacy series by Tigerlily Foundation is a collection of intimate vignettes showing the lives and living legacy of remarkable individuals. Personal stories of people living with Stage IV cancer, early-stage cancer in addition to medical experts, industry trailblazers, caregivers who have not been diagnosed with cancer. These stories build a bridge of knowledge, love, faith, hope and transformation that help us understand the impacts of cancer and provide guidance that will help generations to come.


18-year-olds don’t get breast cancer?
One week before she was set to graduate high school, as the rest of her friends got ready for the prom, instead of getting dressed up in her prom gown, Brittney was dressed in a hospital gown.She had been diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer at 18 years old.The cancer had spread throughout her bones and liver.While metastatic breast cancer is treatable, it’s not curable.She will have to live with cancer for the rest of her life.
Brittney is still alive 8 years after her initial diagnosis. She’s looking towards the future, as there are more treatments coming out all the time – this gives her hope. Brittney is determined to live and thrive, and is using her voice to spread love, healing and gratitude.
This is Brittney’s legacy.

What’s yours?


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I want you to LIVE

Kawana wants people to know they can LIVE! As a 2x breast cancer survivor Kawana found her tumor while doing a breast exam.Speaking up for herself, speaking often and speaking loudly has become a part of her survivorship and advocacy, as a Tigerlily Foundation ANGEL Advocate.

The fact is that the high disparities that impact cancer survival for Back women are also high with gun violence in the United States impacting Black families at alarming rates.Kawana’s on a mission to spread the message of creating change – one person at a time by helping others so they can also fully LIVE.

This is Kawana’s legacy.

What’s yours?


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Fearless Warrior

Michelle knows firsthand that one of the hardest things about having cancer is having options taken away from you, like having to remove her breasts to survive.
after hearing the words “you have cancer” all Michelle could think of was her children.At 36 no one is thinking about death, but Michelle after the initial shock of her Stage 4 diagnosis, Michelle got back in the driver’s seat -and began to face her life – and death head on, by becoming a death doula, arranged her affairs and preparing her children as a way to be empowered and fearless – as she tackled life and faced death.

Michelle is focused on living and building the legacy she will leave, through her Fearless Warrior initiative. Her mission is to empower, inspire, and coach Communities of Color affected by cancer and to help their families find their superpowers within.

This is Michelle’s legacy.

What’s yours?

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Two sisters who both become oncology nurses and nurse navigators, each with more than 25 years of professional experience and a lifetime of experience caring for others.Growing up, home life often included hospital beds. Cancer was an integral part of their lives from an early age, so caring for people came naturally, and nursing was second nature and a legacy calling for both sisters.

Nurses are angels on earth, and sisters Regenia and Pat are real life angels and heroes that walk amongst us. Nurses are our health advocates, they educate patients and the public on risk reduction, early detection, treatment, clinical trials, survivorship and provide care throughout the continuum of care.They hold our hands when we are sick.They cheer us on and they celebrate and support us – especially through the tough times. These incredible sisters have truly created a living legacy, of compassion and love.

This is Regenia’s legacy.
This is Pat’s Legacy

What’s yours?


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