Cancer Research UK celebrates New Year Honourees 2024

“I just couldn’t believe it when I was first told. The news is still sinking in and I’m receiving lots of lovely messages from well-wishers.  

“None of this would have been possible without the help and support of the public, people generously bringing items to me to sell at car boot sales and customers supporting our Cancer Research UK shop. This honour is a tribute and a thank you to them all.  

“It’s a great feeling to know people care about you.” 

We want to say a huge thank you to Archie and John for their dedicated support. 

Recognition for research

Other honourees include Professor Gavin Halbert, radiographer Charlotte Beardmore and Mary Woods. 

Professor Halbert, director of our Formulation Unit at the University of Strathclyde, was awarded an OBE for services to cancer treatment and research. Charlotte, a former member of the National Cancer Advisory Group, received a CBE. 

Formerly a nurse consultant at the Royal Marsden Hospital, Mary is a cancer awareness nurse trainer in our Talk Cancer team. Her extensive clinical, national and international work within the field of lymphoedema led to her recommendation for an MBE. 

And those listed here are just a few of this year’s recipients being honoured for their work related to cancer. 

We extend our sincere congratulations to all the honourees. 

Together, we are beating cancer. 


CML Alliance
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